It was August 8th. Yes, I'm even late when it comes to my own special days, nevermind everyone else's. This time I have a good excuse, though. We found a place to live near DC, I've already taken one load of stuff down, and I'm taking another lot tomorrow. Which is why this is also going to be a very short post. Sure, I had planned to write a long reflection on what I've gotten out of a year in the blogosphere, but there really is so much that I think the car would still be pretty empty by departure time tomorrow morning if I actually let myself loose on the keyboard. Let's just say I am deeply grateful that Taz encouraged me to do it, and I hope to gain even more new blog-friends in the coming year.
However, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Arguably, this picture is not, but it does very simply show what this post is about:
I am one year old in blog-years!There has been some knitting progress (almost done with sock #1 of the pair for Grandma M), but unfortunately the only pic you get today is of that cake. Because the camera and its cable (yes, they are together for once) are both packed already. Here's hoping I manage to get internet access set up at the new place next week.