1. On Friday, Taz and I infiltrated enemy territory to watch the last half of a game against the White Sox. We were too afraid of the fans to do anything that might reveal our true loyalties. But we were secretly rooting for the White Sox. Because, you know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Home of the Evil Empire

See? I really was there!
2. On Saturday evening, we went to a concert at the Meadows, which is now called the Dodge Music Center. But everyone who's lived in Connecticut for more than a year still calls it the Meadows. I tried to take a picture of the stage, so that I could post it and have you guess who we went to see, but all that my camera phone could see were big lights shining directly in its
3. I was in a really crappy mood on Thursday, and when Taz arrived home, he came bearing a copy of this book, which was super sweet of him. I'm so lucky. I started reading it last night before bed, and I'm already done with it. Despite being such a quick read, and not exactly requiring deep soul-searching thought to get through, I enjoyed it quite a bit. And it definitely made me want to get going on some more sock knitting.
4. Speaking of sock knitting, I took Claudia's recommendation to heart, and bought myself a copy of a great little sock book. I have been checking the front step obsessively ever since I clicked "buy now" on Amazon. I also added another one to my wish list.
5. I have no knitting pictures, because although I knit on my Jaywalkers all the way to the Bronx on Friday, and have been making decent progress on Hanging Vines as well, they don't really look all that different from the last time I posted pictures of them. Hopefully next time I will have another pair of socks started. And no, I still haven't found my camera's USB cable.
6. Taz has been working really hard for the past month or two, and it seems to be paying off. He got a lot of praise from his boss last week, and an actual promotion looks very likely. I am so proud of him. He really deserves it. And it's even sweeter to realize that the same amount of professional advancement would have taken him at least six years at his old company.
7. I joined a gym today. Normally, I'm all about taking advantage of the great outdoors, but lately it has just been too hot to do anything more outside than stand still on the deck while watering the plants. That doesn't burn too many calories, I'm sorry to say. So the plan is to get up at a reasonably early hour tomorrow and hit the treadmill. With my feet, hopefully, not my head.
Good luck at the gym tomorrow - it is 80something here at 6 am when I get up to run. Ugh.
And I enjoyed A Good Yarn too - nothing like a little brain candy!
Now you need a Nancy Bush book. Folk Socks has the most information on heels, toes and assorted technical stuff, but Knitting on the Road has really good patterns. Maybe you need both? ;-)
I got so rattled when I saw your face next to the "NY" behind home plate - glad to hear that you cheer for good guys. :-) Sounds like great news all around - fun trips, gifts from hubby, a new gym membership... I'm off now - too hot here, so we're headed down to the cottage on the water so B can work and I can go to the beach.
hope you fins you usb cable soon.. cant wait to see lace knitting photos :)
hope you have fun at the gym
wow!! you have'n waste your time!! have made lots of things!!
woooo you'll have to bring your book for a little show and tell with us "no sock knitting" experience folks! Maybe you'll be our inspiration!
Have fun at the gym! only if you can work out for me too...
I like that picture of you at the game - all tilted.
So what concert was it? Hmmm, I'll tell you that years ago I went with some friends to see an Amy Grant concert. I had a great time with my friends because they loved her, but it is a bit embarrasing to admit now.
Sensational Knitted Socks is a great book, because the book has directions for all sorts of sock knitters (dpns, circulars). Of course, once you buy this book, you will need to add Folk Socks to your wish list!
Your Hanging Vines is coming on really well. I would never know it was your first lace stole.
I really like your work in progress tickers in the sidebar - how do you do that?
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