But what to wear? The weather is supposed to be nice, but at "neither too hot nor too cold," what knitted things can I wear? I'm ashamed to say that I have no finished sweaters to call my own (which isn't to say I've never finished any sweaters, just none for me--so far). And I still haven't finished Hanging Vines (yes, this would be perfect). So should I wear my Loopy & Luscious scarf/stole?

Or should I just dress like a muggle and only give away my secret identity as a knitter by my socks? (Well, that and the fact that I'll be at Sheep and Wool in the first place):

Whatever I wear, I will be having fun, that's for sure!
I might not actually be knitting, however. I know, GASP!!! Despite the fact that I'll be surrounded by knitters and am also desperately hoping to finish a certain (temporarily secret) project by the following weekend, I won't be knitting. I can't knit in the car anyway, since I'll be the one driving (if anyone has figured out a way around this, let me know). But the real reason I won't be knitting is that since Wednesday I've had this funny twitchy nerve in my left forearm that seems to get worse when I hold small things between my fingers, when I type, and, alas, when I knit. I am hoping that by wrapping my wrist/hand and not knitting for a couple days, it will recover. I hope it doesn't come down to choosing between my health and trying to finish that project by next week. This does, however, give me one more idea of what to wear:

Then no one will know I'm wearing a wrist brace!
Yikes! Do take care of that arm. Can't wait to see you! :) I'm having the "what do I wear" problem too.
Have fun!! I wish I could go, but we're buying a house and all yarn fund monies have been reallocated. Sadness.
Glad to see you're blogging again. I hope to get to the Eastern Market SnB soon...
hmmm... i'm wondering if that jessica is one i might know from girlhood days... is it? sneaksleep you can tell me...
have a blast! sounds great. wish i could go. alas... on a sunny, not too hot, not too cold day here i'll be writing a sermon, likely most of the day.
hope your arm heals quickly. that sounds dreadful!
I WAS going to go... except my parents are in town visiting, otherwise I would have been there already!! Instead of typing this... So Jealous! NEXT YEAR!
I saw no deep fried twinkies and didn't see you. :( Actually, maybe the twinkie famine was for the best.
Bryna! My poor, cracked out Bloglines juuuust picked up this post. Boo hiss! Hope you had a great time at S&W! See you tonight? :)
Tag. You're it!
See my blog!
Yay! You're back online! :-)
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