Busy, busy, busy! I know, I say that every time. But seriously, in less than a month, my 6-person department at work has lost three people (to fabulous new jobs for them, not layoffs). So I am now officially doing the job of two people. And it's only going to get worse, since I am the only person left out of the three who doesn't get any paid vacation, and both of the other two are taking their summer vacations in the next month. So I'd better blog while I still can. Here's the run-down of non-work stuff I've been up to:
1. First and foremost, moving. There are still
sooo many boxes to unpack, so much stuff to organize, and the new place needs a thorough cleaning before my mother-in-law arrives next week. But I think I promised to post some photos of the new place, so here are the ones I've managed to snap so far:
Our new dining area, with a pass-through window to our spacious kitchen.There is a door in the kitchen that leads to the stairs down to the finished basement (with unfinished storage area as well)--oh the glorious space!!!
A small portion of our books, and the stairs to the second floor.
Our living room area, complete with Ivy breaking in the new futon.2. An outdoor concert:
While Chris Isaak played at Wolftrap, my friends and I shared wine, bread, cheese, and more than a few laughs.
3. Knitting. Believe it or not, I have actually managed to get a little bit of knitting done throughout the craziness. Not enough to warrant photographing, but I'm almost to the heel of
Snicket, and I'm nearly done with the sleeves for
Samus (and my amazing mother gave me a zipper that matches the yarn almost perfectly, so I no longer have the "but I can't find a good zipper" excuse for not getting it D-O-N-E). When my folks stopped by the other day,
Taz saw the sock that my mom was knitting for my dad, and suddenly realized that he is not totally against variegated yarn. So you can bet that at the very next opportunity, I got me to the
LYS and picked some up. Still fairly subdued, but
light years more interesting to knit than plain charcoal gray:
Lorna's Laces in Black Watch colorway.
4. More knitting. I swear, I'm not just making stuff up so my list will look longer. This deserves its own spot. Months and months ago, I was reading
Eunny's blog, and I saw a glimpse of a design she had just completed and sent off to
Jamieson's for their next pattern book. Well, that book finally came out, and I have already ordered it.
Simply Shetland 4 is hopefully already on its way to my anxious little hands. And as soon as I get it, I am going to buy the yarn for the
Autumn Rose Pullover. It is the only fair isle sweater I have ever felt compelled to knit--it has a scoop neck, 3/4 sleeves, and
waist shaping!! Finally, a fair isle I can actually wear! Anyone want to join me?