Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I'm no stranger to pain. Ok, so I have yet to give birth, but I've had my share of nausea-inducing migraines. And while, unlike with a migraine, I am actually still functional at the moment, whatever this thing is that I have in my eye hurts waay more than I thought possible. I decided a picture of some ibuprophen was preferable to a picture of my eye. Trust me. Yes, I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow.


Elspeth said...

Ugh! Do you know what would help you feel better? Yarn.

jennsquared said...

Feel better! Glad you are going to the doctor's like we discussed.

Jules said...

Ugh! I hope it gets better and the doctor gives you plenty of not only feel better pills, but also "improve eye appearance" ones

Sangeeta said...

Well, what did they do with it??