Tuesday, March 21, 2006

43 Things

Thanks to Taz, I just learned about this cool site called 43 Things. You can set goals for yourself and talk to other people with similar goals, and post about your progress. There's also a way to list all the places you want to visit (and have visited). I'm not feeling quite ambitious enough (yet) to come up with 43 things to do (I have 27) and 43 places to visit (I have 23), but I still think I made a respectable list. I know you wanna see my lists of things and places!

Algum dia, Rio, algum dia...

And if you want to see Taz's lists, go here and here. OK, time to go make some progress on goal #27.


Jenn said...

That is too weird - I just made a 43 things list for myself tonight!

Anonymous said...

Huh, cool idea!