Monday, August 08, 2005

Hello my name is...

Well, I have finally succumbed and started my own blog. Between seeing so many of my knitting friends' cool blogs, and Taz encouraging me to learn new skills, and this general feeling of wanting a space to babble about knitting, books, nature, and the meaning of life, I decided it was Time.

You'll have to bear with me over the next few weeks as I fine-tune my layout, dig through my photo albums to find images worthy of sharing with the world, and get back into the groove of writing on a regular basis.

This is just a brief inital entry, but I promise to write more very very soon so that those of you who know me can find out what's been happening in this brain of mine lately, and those of you who don't can start to get a sense of some of the things that make me tick.



Zarzuela said...

Wooo hoo!! You got a blog!! :) Welcome to the crazy world of blogging! And thanks for the link. :))


Sami said...

Welcome to the blogger-hood! Zarzuela gave me an initial tutorial and if you'd like I can pass on all my blogging wisdom (the grand sum of it fills a thimble).