As of January 13th, 2006, I will have my freedom. Freedom from the two-hour-each-way
Metro North odyssey that is my commute (and the almost $400 is costs me every month). Freedom from the nearly crushing boredom that has become my day at the office these past few months. Freedom from spending my time trying to herd metaphorical cats and spending my hard-earned graduate degree in
International Relations writing cover letters and nagging e-mails. But, like all freedoms, there is a price to be paid for this. In this case, my salary.
Yep, I've been laid off. Budget cuts to the "unrestricted revenue" part of the nonprofit's budget, blah blah blah. At least my boss and everyone seem to feel really bad about it. One colleague even shed a couple tears when I told him, and I've been promised really great references from all the bigwigs around here. Money-wise, of course, it sucks, but it could suck a lot worse. And my family and friends have been unbelievably supportive.
Taz even offered to fly home for the weekend. From India. And he was serious. Meanwhile, I'm busy getting in the holiday spirit, while also getting excited about leaving for India in 72 hours.
So, for holiday spirit, I've got this view outside my window right now:
Snowflakes as big as cotton puffs! Looking northeast across 2nd Ave. at 43rd St.And a couple days ago, I walked past
Rockefeller Center and saw this:
I missed the lighting of the tree, but at least I got to see it!
Tomorrow, I also have a Christmas Tree party to attend, to which I am expected to bring my homemade apple crisp. The host loves it so much, I usually bring an extra one just for him.
Sunday, the whole day will be spent packing and getting the house ready for my absence. A quick peek into my head ought to give you an idea of my current adrenaline levels: ok, um, I have to remember to return those sweaters, and buy those other gifts, and go to PetCo to get pet grass for the
cats, and leave a note for the
cat sitter, and figure out how to program the stupid thermostat. I hope I don't forget my passport or something stupid like that. Will I have room in my suitcases for all this stuff? Will everyone in India like the gifts I'm bringing? Will they like
me? Gee, I hope the security people let me take my knitting on the plane. I hope I can sleep on the plane. What books should I bring? I hope I don't get
delhi belly when I'm there. The safari in
Kerala sounds so fun. They told me
Bangalore is cold. What clothes should I bring? Will all my v-neck tops be too revealing? What color
sari should I buy? I wonder if Home Depot has timers for the lights at home? What if it's still snowing when I get home tonight and I don't have time to do all my errands? I can't wait to be on the plane. No, actually, I can't wait to arrive in
Bombay. Most of all, I can't wait to see my sweetie.