Sunday, December 11, 2005

The little stowaway

Welp, I'm all packed. Except for my carry-on bag, which is almost finished. The house is pretty much ready, the laundry's done, the perishables are out of the fridge, the windows are locked, my iPod is updated, and I've even cast on for the hat part of the hat and scarf set (I thought airport security might look more kindly on knitting needles that actually had knitting on them). So really, there are just a few more house-tidying things to do, aside from the slightly OCD checking and re-checking of the tickets and passport I'll be doing right up until I get in the cab tomorrow morning. There's just one tiny problem:

All together now: "Awwwwwww!"

Ivy doesn't want me to leave without her!

Posting on my blog will be sporadic at best for the next month, though I promise to write when I can, and to put up pictures if possible. But if you don't hear from me for a while, you'll just have to trust that I'm busy having a blast and collecting lots of great stories to tell you when I get back. Laters!


Ruth said...

Poor baby ... she's going to miss you!

Have a wonderful trip. Can't wait to read about it when you get back.

Zarzuela said...

Awwwww indeed! Have a great time! :)

Anonymous said...

Pásalo muy, muy bien!!!

Doris said...

Have a nice time! A month-long vacation, I'm quite envious :)

Anonymous said...

bon voyage, Bryna!

get the most from your trip, try to remember everything nice and tell us.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful trip. I wish I was you.

Anonymous said...

Awww. Have a great trip!