Jessica, Carrie, and Joanne
Meanwhile, I got tips from Joanne on sponsoring green card applications through marriage, and managed to finish the heel gussets on my Jaywalker:

Please excuse the flash, but it was the only way to get anything near accurate color.
As for the rest of my knitting projects, well, let's just say that a quick organization of the closet has revealed that they are all languishing, neglected thanks to my infatuation with Jaywalker (partly due to the fact that it's a very portable project). Let's review. First, there are the Samus sleeves, which should have been finished, blocked, and sewn onto the rest of the sweater ages ago, considering this was my Knitting Olympics project:

Color is actually much greener than this (see what I mean about the
flash?). And the two sleeves at once idea to avoid second-sleeve-itis?
Achieved the opposite of the desired effect.
Then we have the Merino Lace Shawl, which I forced myself to start before attempting Hanging Vines, so that I could get some "practice" with simple knitted lace. This, however, seems to be a little too simple to hold my interest very well. I'm sure it will look better once it's blocked:

Color is much more blue-grey than this.
And remember the famous Merino Lace Cardigan? The one that took me forever to do the shoulder increases? The one that's miles and miles of stockinette? Yeah, I couldn't even bring myself to photograph it. Let's just say it still looks a hell of a lot like it did in this post. Don't look at the date on that.
On top of all that guilt, I now find myself faced with two more
However, that's unlikely to happen today, unless my vacuum decides not to be a wimp like it was two weeks ago. I have to clean house and do a bunch of errands because tonight my best friend* from high school and her husband are coming for the weekend. Any ideas on how I can convince her that learning to knit will help her stress levels?
*That link tells you nothing about her personality, but at least you can see a picture of her. Though, really, even the picture is a bit odd. Anyway, she's awesome!
Quiero hacer un Samus tambien, pero mezclando esta lana roja con otra de un rojo mas brillante. Creo que quedara bien
Those are some very cool projects you're working on right now. I really like the Morehouse lace cardigan--simple and versatile, but such tiny needles! No wonder it's taking a while to knit up.
Sounds like a really good time you had meeting up with other knitters. :) Your jaywalkers look fabu; can't wait to see the finished pair and hear more about that yarn, what a pretty colorway.
Your jaywalker look great! I totally understand the desire to get things off the needles so you can get new ones on - I'm knitting as fast as I can to get stuff done!
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