Red Heart, Lion Brand Microspun, and other random acrylic
rounded out by a bunch of this:

Homespun. Need I say more?
And let's not forget the freebie I got from Bernat. Don't ask what I'm going to do with this:

No comment.
Then, there are the leftovers, none of which, at this point, go very well together:

Everything from Hip-Hop to King Tut Cotton.
Luckily, I do also have so really nice yarn. For example, I have all this stuff that is already destined for various different holiday gifts:

Kidsilk crack, alpaca tweed, merino blend, and plain old wool.
I also have a basket full of yarn which is either waiting to become a gorgeous shawl (the steel blue lace weight merino) or is waiting to be used in a WIP (the purple lace weight merino, the Lion Brand Trellis, and the blue-gray two-ply):

More of the plain wool two-ply, two colors of lace weight merino,
Lion Brand "Trellis." Oh, and some wool tweed that is actually leftovers.
Finally, there are the future felted bags:

Mmmmmm. Lopi.
And yes, there will be more than one, because not all these yarns match, and even if they did, can you imagine how huge that bag would be? Oh, and let's not forget the hand-dyed fiber crack I just ordered (low-res camera phone pic to come when it arrives at my door). That's gonna be a Hanging Vines stole.
Phew! So assuming I find a way to
1. Yarn and other small treats for the second package for my Secret Pal
2. Yarn for the x-mas surprise for Taz
3. The bare necessities for sticking my big toe in the water of a potentially addicting new pool--spinning. (Though I'm sure certain people will make every effort to see that I fall in and get completely soaked).
4. A small amount of really special yarn for a small project for myself.
And that is absolutely IT! I must force myself to stick to that, or I'll have to start knitting my own pork chops and salad if I want to have a decent dinner. Do you think Metro North would accept a knitted monthly ticket? It would be good intarsia practice...
jaja, buena suerte y pásalo muy bien!
tee hee, maybe the folks at the Metro North station would accept knit caps for the cold winter approaching. Great way to get rid of leftover yarn you're not crazy about and getting on their good side as well :D
I wish Lee Ann were coming:( I wonder how much fiber can fit in Trina's car?
I am glad that you are being realistic about your purchases, but I hope you've given yourself slight allowance to just fall in love with a yarn and buy it just because. :) Have a great time, take lots of pics!
In my own stash reduction effort, I returned all the unopened skeins I could to Michael's and gave what wasn't returnable to a group of Warm Up America knitters.
I think some of the senior centers around also accept yarn for crafty projects-- If you feel like you're buried in acrylic.
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