Yes, that's right. Two big honkin' skeins of yummy soft alpaca in a greenish gray tweed, and the cutest little glass bead stitch markers ever. I already have plans for all of it! So, Woolfairy, thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!! You are totally awesome! May the SP6 god(desse)s rain many fiber-related blessings upon you!
Tonight after work, I have a one-hour massage. This is something I would love to be able to afford on a weekly basis, but since that's not happening any time soon, I was happy to take advantage of a coupon I got through my gym. (Let's not talk about how long it's been since I went there to actually work out. Hey, I've still managed to lose weight!) I'm especially happy about the massage because my shoulder and "throwing" arm are quite stiff and sore today. I choose to believe that the soreness is the result of the lack of a good wrist-supporting mousepad at work. It has absolutely nothing to do with the furious pace of my holiday knitting. No siree. In fact, I've been very healthy about my holiday knitting. I even called a hotline to help me out: 1-877-SOS-KNIT. If you don't think that's a real number, just call it. Trust me. It was brought to us by someone who has a very good sense of humor. And speaking of holiday knitting humor, you really need to read this poem.
Books-wise, I'm still working on Joyce's Ulysses (yeah, like anyone thought I would already have finished it). It's kind of strange because I almost feel like I'm reading another language. I mean, I understand most of the words. English is, after all, my first language, and I would venture a guess that my vocabulary isn't smaller than average. But the way the words are put together requires a lot of concentration and I keep having to go over certain parts again to make sure I understood. I'm enjoying the experience, but I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't have some lighter reading on hand for when my brain needs a break. Maybe it's time to actually go out and buy one of those chick lit books people were so kind to recommend to me...
chick lit or cliff notes.. hard choice :P
Sweetie, there must be some misunderstanding, 'cause I haven't been able to mail out your package yet! I'm so sorry about that, I wanted to get it together and mail it today but I spent the whole afternoon at the vet with my horse (nothing big).
So please check again, I just don't want to take credit for something I didn't send! And expect a big package from me somewhere next week!
Hmmm. This in interesting indeed. The package came from Salt Lake City, but the return address was an insurance company with no individual person's name listed. I'll have to investigate. Perhaps an e-mail to the SP6 hostesses is in order...
Um, and if the mysterious person from Salt Lake City is reading, can you explain what happened? I mean, I grateful, but I would hate to have gotten someone else's gift!
I totally figured it out!!! I won some yarn and stitch markers from the Give a Little thing! NOW I get it! Sorry for all the confusion! And I look forward to your package, Woolfairy. :)
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